GriP AntiSlip / Swiss GRIP is the first choice for slip-free areas in hotels, pools, spas, clinics and retirement homes. Bathroom, spa, sauna and swimming pool areas will become slip-free with SWISS GRIP. You can guarantee your customers a safe stay and allow them to enjoy their visit to the fullest with SWISS GRIP.

Thanks to its outstanding adhesion properties, our anti-slip coating is suitable for use on tiles, ceramics, acrylics, natural stone, wood, metal, glass and similar surfaces that are walked on in bare feet or with shoes on.

Hotel groups such as Hilton, Holiday Inn, Sheraton and many others use our anti-slip coatings to assure their customers a safe and slip-free stay. These hotels trust in SWISS GRIP because our system is the only globally certified anti-slip coating. Our coating has been awarded Class C certification by Germany’s TÜV product certification service in accordance with DIN 51097. Moreover, SWISS GRIP has gained the highest safety certification ratings in pendulum friction tests conducted in Europe, the UK, Australia and in North and South America.

Furthermore, since 2015 SWISS GRIP has been an optional criterion within the European Hotel Star Classification for Sanitary Comfort. Choosing SWISS GRIP will therefore automatically improve your hotel star rating.

Application service:

We can offer our application service as well as application training worldwide. In Europe, our own application technicians are available to make both small and large projects slip-free. Throughout the rest of the world we work with carefully selected partners who have been trained and certified in applying our coatings.

With SWISS GRIP Design Patterns, we can make your shower trays or bathtubs slip-free by applying your company logo. This is accomplished using a customised template. Please get in touch with us to find out more details and learn about the possibilities.



  1. Transparent
  2. Only globally certified anti-slip coating
  3. Class C DIN 51097 (barefeet)
  4. R10, R11 DIN 51130 and R12 AS 4586 (shoes)
  5. Easy to clean – high chemical resistance
  6. Anti-bacterial and antimicrobial
  7. Application service worldwide
  8. UV-light resistant
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